
Repeat Prescriptions

Please order your prescription online via the link at the top of this page.

If you are not registered please complete the online registration form to the right ->. We will then call you to confirm your details. 


We are no longer accepting requests for prescriptions over the telephone.

Please allow FIVE full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

We can deliver prescriptions to a chemist of your choice in Haddington.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Your doctor will tell you which medications are available to you on repeat prescription and how frequently they wish to see you at the surgery for review.

Practice position on prescribing medication recommended by private providers

We are aware that many of our patients seek specialist opinions in the private sector. Frequently, we are involved in the referral process however in some situations patients instigate their own referrals.
Regardless of the referral pathway please be aware that as GPs funded by the NHS, we are not always in a position to provide medications recommended by private practitioners. At the point of seeking a private referral it should not be your expectation that we will be able to provide you with the recommended treatment and you may have to fund this yourself.

This is for a number of reasons including;

  • the use of treatments that lie beyond our area of expertise
  • the use of treatments that are not prescribed in line with the local prescribing guidelines. Such guidelines exist to ensure safety and value for money for NHS patients.
  • the use of treatments by private providers that involve a degree of specialist monitoring and surveillance that we are not funded to undertake

As an NHS funded service we are currently working under significant pressure and it is essential that we utilise the time and resources at our disposal to maximise the delivery of NHS care.

Pharmacist Communications

At times our practice pharmacist may need to make changes to the brand or form of your medications.  Sometimes this is due to problems with medication supply and sometimes it might be because the same medication is cheaper (but the same medicine) from a different manufacturer or your medication has been discontinued.


This page will list some of the current medications being switched.  If we are making any changes which will affect you then you will be contacted by the practice and given a link to read the relevant information.  If you have any queries please contac the practice pharmacist through reception.


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