
Bowel Screening
Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Scotland after lung and breast cancer. Every year, over 3,000 people are diagnosed with the disease.
The Scottish Bowel Screening Programme will invite all men and women in Scotland between the ages of 50 to 74 for screening every two years.
Details of this can be found at or also by calling the Scottish Bowel Screening Helpline on 0800 012 1833.
Community Treatment and Care Service (CTACS)
Make an appointment by calling - 0300 790 6292
CTACS is a nurse led service providing a range of services to patients across East Lothian including; removal of sutures/staples after operations or injuries; wound care (including management of leg ulcers or wounds after surgery), ear irrigation, vitamin B12 injections, and some blood tests requested by specialist hospital teams.
Clinics we offer
In addition to GP consultations the practice offers a wide range of clinics and healthcare services:
- Asthma & COPD
- Diabetes
- Health promotion
- Heart disease
- Hypertension
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- New patient health checks
- Cervical smears
- Child health surveillance
- Contraception - including the fitting of implants and coils.
- Minor surgery
CWIC mental health service
If you are Feeling anxious, depressed or just a bit down and are registered with a GP in East Lothian call the number below. There is no need for a referral or to speak with your GP first.
Call the CWIC (Care When it Counts) Mental Health line on 0300 790 6292 Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm for support and advice.
For more details please visit Struggling with your mental health? | CWIC East Lothian Mental Health Service | East Lothian Council
Muscle & Joint pain (Physio)
If you have muscle or joint pain and you are over 16, use our new MSK support line - 0300 369 0680 or ask reception for a self referral form
Travel clinic
NHS Lothian Travel Clinics
NHS Lothian travel clinics can provide you with information, vaccination and medication tailored to your trip. For more information and to find your nearest clinic click on the link below
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
Pregnancy support
Pregnant? What next?
Once you are sure you are pregnant, the next step is to book an appointment with a midwife by calling NHS Lothian Maternity Services on 0131 536 2009. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 4.45pm. Select the option that lets you make an appointment.
We will ask you for some details, and give you an appointment with a midwife for around 8-10 weeks into your pregnancy & a scan appointment for 11-14 weeks. If you require an interpreter for the appointments this will also be booked at this time.
Pregnancy termination
The abortion service in NHS Lothian is called Choices, staff you speak to may refer to either NHS Lothian Abortion Service or Choices when discussing your appointments.
1. Self referral
If you wish to self refer please call: 0131 536 1070 between the hours of 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Please ensure you are able to speak privately when you call. You will be asked for some personal details relating to your appointment. Your first appointment is usually a phone consultation, you will then have to attend an appointment at Chalmers Centre, or St John’s Hospital if you live in West Lothian.
2. GP referral
If you wish to see your GP first then your GP can arrange a referral to the Chalmers Centre, or St Johns Hospital if you live in West Lothian.
3. Referral from another clinic within NHS Lothian (e.g. a sexual health clinic)
Test results
We will contact you by telephone, or by letter, only if a result is abnormal and you require treatment or further investigations. You will not be contacted if your result is normal. If you wish to enquire about the results of your tests please telephone the surgery between 11am- 2pm. The administrative staff will give results to you or you may be asked to speak to the nurse or doctor. Adults' results will not be given to anyone other than the patient, except in exceptional circumstances.
Non NHS services
Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges. Examples include the following:
- Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (HGV, PSV etc.)
- Insurance claim forms
- Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
- Private sick notes
- Vaccination certificates
The fees charged are based on the British Medical Association (BMA) suggested scales and our reception staff will be happy to advise you about them along with appointment availability.
Minor injuries
If you have an injury that needs urgent or immediate attention, you should call 111 to make an appointment with an expert in one of NHS Lothian’s Minor Injury Units.
The MIU team can help adults and children over 12 months who have a recent minor injury of up to 7 days, including:
- strains and sprains
- wounds and minor burns
- minor bumps to head and face
- simple eye injuries
- insect bites and stings
You can also call NHS 24 on 111 free any time day or night if:
- you think you need A&E but it is not life threatening
- are too ill to wait for your GP or dentist to open
- need urgent mental health advice and guidance
Pharmacy First
NHS Pharmacy First Scotland is a NHS service designed to encourage everyone to visit their community pharmacy as the first port of call for all minor illnesses and specific common clinical conditions. You can use NHS Pharmacy First Scotland if you are registered with a GP practice in Scotland or you live in Scotland. Speak to the pharmacy team if you need further details.
A pharmacist can give you advice and treatment (if you need it) for minor illnesses such as the following.
- Acne
- Allergies
- Athlete’s foot
- Backache
- Blocked or runny nose
- Cold sores
- Constipation
- Cough
- Cystitis (in women)
- Diarrhoea
- Earache
- Eczema
- Headache
- Head lice
- Haemorrhoids (piles)
- Hay fever
- Impetigo
- Indigestion
- Mouth ulcers
- Sore throat
- Pain
- Period pain
- Threadworms
- Thrush
- Warts
- Verrucas
East Lothian Podiatry
Patients can self refer directly to the East Lothian Community Hospital Podiatry service by printing out the following self referral form or collecting a paper version from the surgery reception.
Sexual health
Chalmers GUM clinic
For Everyone
Lothian Sexual and Reproductive Health Service provides a range of services at the Chalmers Centre in Edinburgh. Click here to find out more.
There is now a new service if you would like to be tested for some sexually transmitted infections without speaking to anyone. The kit can be sent to you by post. This is a service provided by the Chalmers centre. Details can be found here.
Tranent Drop-in sexual health clinic
Lothian sexual health services operate a drop in clinic at Tranent medical practice on Tuesday afternoons. Details can be found here on the Tranent GP surgery website
Men can self refer for a vasectomy by contacting the vasectomy service by calling 0131 536 1512. Information about vasectomy is available here, or you can see your GP to discuss further.
Women who are considering an abortion can now contact the Lothian abortion referral service themselves to arrange an appointment on 0131 536 1070. You can of course still come to see the GP first to discuss.
C: Card - free condoms
C: Card is a confidential free condom service in Edinburgh and Lothians.
This service is available at the surgery.
Further information is available from the C: Card website
If you need support with drug problems the MELD service is available and ready to help. They can offer same day assessments for urgent situations if needed. Have a look on their website here or call them on 07843 339 958.
Patients can also present directly to the Esk Centre in Musselburgh to access the same service.
Alcohol Telephone Support Service
Edinburgh and Lothian Council on Alcohol (ELCA) has a new service which provides telephone support to individuals who are concerned about their own alcohol use. We can offer an alcohol focussed telephone call lasting up to 30 minutes. You will receive 1 session a week for up to 4 weeks. During the sessions you will be given information and advice, consider your options and receive some support in making changes to your drinking. All you need is to have access to a phone at an arranged time and a place where you will have privacy and no distractions.
If you are interested in this service, you can self-refer by contacting ELCA on 0131 337 8188, or by emailing us at to arrange the first session.
Local Alcohol Support Services
- East Lothian Drug & Alcohol Help for young people
- Mid and East Lothian Drug & Alcohol Partnership
- Starfish Cafe: resource and support centre in Musselburgh
- Gateway Clinics: Drop in-clinics, no appointment needed, for those looking for help with substance misuse problems
- Alcoholics Anonymous East Lothian